ClayStack. Liquid Staking

3 min readJul 27, 2022

Today I will talk about the ClayStack project and their Liquid Staking.
First, let’s find out what this project offers. And how does their staking differ from the well-known one in the space.

Project overview

The big problem in DeFi when you want to stake any asset is that it will remain locked for the entire duration of your staking. This limits your financial freedom for assets and adds unnecessary hassles and financial risks. But ClayStack solves this problem with the help of a new innovative solution! But how do they do it…

The project suggests using a technology called liquid staking. This helps unlock the liquidity of your staked assets. But note that these assets must be in PoS (Proof of Stake) networks.
Next, I will tell in more detail how it happens. And you will also learn about other important benefits of ClayStack.

How it works

First you have to make a deposit on their platform (through ClayStack’s smart contracts). After that, you get csTokens (ERC-20 tokens), which are completely liquid. It is an equivalent derivative token directly to your asset. And you can trade and interact with other DeFi protocols using csTokens.

I have described in a very simplified way to convey the main points of this technology and its main advantage for your assets — the freedom to move assets, not a “financial prison”. Now let’s see what else ClayStack has to offer…

Benefits of the project and the platform

There are several significant advantages provided by liquid staking and the project itself. I think you will like it.

  • Flash Exit
    You can get your underlying tokens back at any time. You will not need to wait for the unbonding period. What could be simpler.
  • No minimums
    You will be able to participate regardless of the amount of your assets, there are no minimum values for this.
  • Fully Backed
    All staking derivatives are 100% secured by staked assets. There is a problem in the industry where certain assets do not have collateral and because of this investors suffer when there are problems with this. But not in this case.
  • Transparent
    All. what happens in Claystack can be tracked on-chain. That is, all transactions and other actions can be seen. Everything is open and honest.
  • Cross-Chain
    You will be able to use your Claystack staking derivatives in various chains. That is, you are not limited to only one network. This is truly the Cross-Chain innovation we deserve.
  • Yield Stacking
    Using staking derivatives, you can get good rewards from multiple streams.


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However, you can already make an active contribution by creating content and participating in the life of the official Discord server.
For your active participation, you will get a chance to fully join our family. Also, keep an eye out for new ClayClan recruitment announcements so we can meet you as soon as possible!

As described in this article, ClayStack offers an innovative technology that can improve crypto space. I also recommend learning more about ClayStack from the following sources:

Telegram (announcements):

